Become a full-stack developer
Programming Basics: Learn a programming language like JavaScript (highly recommended for full stack).
Version Control: Master Git and GitHub for code management and collaboration. Problem-Solving Skills: Practice algorithms and data structures.
Frontend Development
Learn how to create the visual part of websites that users interact with.
Core Skills: HTML, CSS, JavaScript: Build the structure, style, and interactivity of web pages.
Responsive Design: Learn CSS frameworks like Bootstrap or Tailwind CSS.
Modern JavaScript Frameworks/Libraries: Choose one:
- React (most popular)
- Vue.js
- Angular
Backend Development
Learn to build the server-side logic and APIs.
Core Skills: JavaScript (Node.js with Express.js) OR Python (Django/Flask) OR PHP (Laravel)
APIs: Learn how to create and consume REST APIs and GraphQL APIs (Postman).
Authentication & Authorization: Understand OAuth, JWT, and session-based authentication.
Understand how to work with databases to store and retrieve data.
Core Skills: SQL Databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, or SQLite.
NoSQL Databases: MongoDB or Firebase.
Learn how to design a database schema. Understand the difference between relational and non-relational databases.
Tools and DevOps
Package Managers: npm, Yarn.
Build Tools: Webpack, Vite.
Version Control: Advanced Git (branches, rebases).
DevOps Basics: Understand CI/CD pipelines. Learn about cloud platforms like AWS, Heroku, or Vercel for deployment. Use Docker for containerization.
Build Full-Stack Projects
Work on real-world projects to integrate your skills:
Personal Portfolio (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React)
Blog Platform (React + Node.js + MongoDB)
E-commerce App (React + Django/Express + PostgreSQL)
Advanced Concepts
Web Security: Learn OWASP top 10 and secure coding practices.
State Management: Redux, Zustand, or MobX.
GraphQL: For advanced API development.